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  • Writer's pictureThe BC Brewster

Wearing face masks to school.

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Principal Mrs. Dezellem, How do you feel about wearing masks to school? “ Personally I hate wearing masks but if it allows us to have school in person I'll do anything that I have to do to keep students safe and keep myself safe and my family safe”.

Staff member Ms. Erickson, “It's very annoying because it's right in your face and it has made me be a mouth breather and I don't like it.”

Freshman Julio Perez “They are useful for not spreading Covid and we should be wearing them more often.”

Sophomore Samantha Suazo “ I think face masks aren't useful because they are hard to breathe with.”

Junior Alex martinez “I honestly don't care as long as they keep us safe.”

Senior Lemuel Infante “For me it's hard because I have glasses and it's probably the same for other people that have glasses. They tend to fog up when you're breathing while doing regular work.”

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